onsdag 27. mai 2009

Slow progress -_-

Well, sorry for not really doing much Roblox-related the last few days. Other stuff was just more interesting, so to say.

I logged back in today to check on stuff, and realized a few things:
My grow-a-brick has received a few small updates recently, like the much requested "Bigger area". I had to change the baseplate surface to reduce random lags that people were complaining about. This is a good thing. I was going to use the same surface in the huge city place, because I think it looked better. Now I will not. Also, the fail-safe script is failing sometimes. I will probably update that one later on ;)
I also noticed how there is a clone of my Grow-a-brick, made by "Marquelle". I checked it out for a few minutes (was alone..), and realized that it was extremely similar to my place :O Awesome job mr.Marquelle, I hope you keep up making good places like this :D A hint though, next time try to make a more original place ;) I'm not mad, or even annoyed, but remakes usually have something new in them. I will however do the same thing as you: Going to add the run-tool to my grow a brick, mostly because it was requested alot, but also because it probably is needed due to the size of the area I got in that place.

So what about my city-thingy? Any progress since last blogpost? Nope, none whatsoever. Will probably get started on adding in ways to get on top of the buildings soon.
Want spoilers? Ok... Gold, constructing robots, buying a house... 
Gee thats alot of stuff to add.. this might take a while.

torsdag 21. mai 2009

A little teaser!

I still got a list of things to do before I release this place to the roblox community, but its getting there. Too bad there is alot of sun these days, thus resulting in me spending less time in front of my computer, and also, scripting Roblox-stuffs. So far I got around 500 lines of code in one script to generate something like this:

Everything on that picture is randomly generated, of course ;) And many more lines of code to come! :D The city need to look better, houses need stairs (or ramps... to save on the number of blocks), plus there are still a few issues with the roadnetwork. House interiors are still missing, as well as any form of gameplay.

As always, I will probably release a script at some time to let people script their own cities/housing later on. Should probably make it require scripting-knowledge in order to avoid filling the front page with "OMG random city, best place ever!!!"-places made by anyone... I still remember what happened after I released my original bread factory onto Roblox! (Bread factory place copies were everywhere!)

In other news, my Grow-a-brick received a quick-fix the other day, but I guess most people have noticed by now. Was weird seeing my place on the front page again, but glad it was so easy to fix! (Turns out ObjectValues can no longer hold models as their value..)
As for fixing other places, I'm not so sure it will happen any time soon. Farm tycoon is kind of complex with alot of stuff going on, so fixing that place will be a much bigger job than fixing grow-a-brick. The same goes for Miners heaven, though that place will probably receive a make-over once I've finished up my current city-thingy ^^

tirsdag 19. mai 2009

Random update!

Yay! I have been busy celebrating the norwegian national day (17.may), plus the Eurovision victory! Go Norway! :D Be prepared for tomorrow, when Norway will rule the world!!! (..then again maybe not..)

Anyways, I guess I should mention a little bit about what exactly I'm making for Roblox. I can reveal as much as that I've discovered how complex making a scripted house of varying size really is! Not only do I want a house to be variable in size, I want the script to easily put in the correct amount of windows, a door (or two), several stories if I want to.
As of now I'm testing with about 300-500 houses in each city. If I can successfully keep each city below 8000 blocks, I will be happy ^^ Right now this goal seems hard to keep, since I'm going to add more stuff to put into this city eventually (which in turn will mean more blocks).
I'm currently finishing up the basic house-shape with windows, walls, doors, and also I've successfully placed the houses next to the roads I've made. The cities I've created so far are really empty, and the houses look kind of stupid due to lack of roofing/flooring. Also the houses themselves are still empty, but that will change soon, I hope.
I will upload another spoiler picture once I got roofing on my houses ^^

Killing some rumors:
-Spore was a bit fun playing through once, but Left 4 Dead and Dwarf Fortress got my attention these days!
-Most of my places are broken due to Roblox being updated. I might fix some of them eventually.
-I usually don't read messages on Roblox, don't bother asking me for donations or to help you script. Your pm will in these cases go unanswered.

What next? Whats missing? Why can't I just upload my new place now, if it kind of works?
-My place is empty and boring right now. I will upload it once it is finished enough.
-Still need to add in skyscrapers, items, gameplay, and other stuff I might think of.

And now a random ad I made about dwarf fortress. Seriously, its the best game ever, so visit "www.Bay12Games.com/Dwarves" today for the awesomest game ever!

tirsdag 12. mai 2009

Fooling around with some new mapstuffs!

Yay! I'm actually trying to make another map? Wow.. Let's see how long it takes me to quit. Anyways, here is where I will rant about various aspects about my placemaking, scripting, etc, and also eventually start posting a few teasers to my next place. When will it be done? When it is done, of course! Don't message me about it....

So basically I'm trying to make a script that will create an entire city for robloxians to explore. Of course there will be interaction, and some sort of gameplay! And of course the entire city will be completely randomly made, as to make no two games alike another (leaving this job to the roblox-randomizer)! Also, I'm leaving as much of the actual building as possible to the script. That way, I only need to change my codes to change how the city looks! :D Yay, scripting IS fun!

Lets see.. what else... of course! Progress reports are always a fun read! I won't give one yet ;) But I will tell you that the early results of my messing-with-scripts are kind of successful so far! Now if I could just make those houses more than empty rooms with windows, I'll be getting somewhere soon!

Early random spoiler picture of a scriptmade roadnetwork :